This was fun! I felt just like Huck Finn!! It looks level doen't it? Well it's not!. Mary and I picked this nice level spot and erected the pool. Nothing to it. As we filled the pool it became quite obvious one side was about 8 inches higher. We let the water out. I put bricks under the low side posts. We lifted it up and filled under it with sand. The high side was a little trickier. We supported the posts and then dug under the lining with spoons to lower it. It was alot of digging with a spoon, laying on the ground. While tossing out sand, I came across a very ugly grub! It was white with a huge black head. About the size of a man's large finger. We screamed. We were sittting in the sand not paying attention to bugs. A couple of days later my son saw a large snake in the same area. His description fit a water mocassin, so I guess it's important to pay attention in the garden here.