Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The End of the School year
Mary will finish the fourth grade on June 6. This year has just flown by. Last Friday we took a field trip to Cypress Gardens. I was dissappointed. The last time I was there (1965) it was so beautiful. The flowers and gardens were so beautiful. There were southern belles everywhere and the water skiing show was unbelievable. This time, the gardens were not one fourth of what they used to be. No southern belles walking around. The water show that was once 40 people is now 6. Only a few people seemed to appreciate the true beauty of the flowers and wildlife. Most people were there for the amusement park. It seems so sad that everything today has to have "rides" or it is left to ruin. I am truly thankful that someone cared enough to try to save the old gardens but the buildings are old, outdated and in sad condition. No one seemed to have ever gone there in any recent times so I was the only one to make comparisons. We did ride all the rides and have a great time. We still have a ton of things to do. We have a soft ball game field trip on Thursday. A field trip to see "Grease" next week. A trip to "Arabian Nights". A school fair. Her grade awards on the 28th. Every week there are two or three things we have planned. Busy Busy. Steve has been very busy at Epcot. The annual "Flower Show". He is lucky if he gets a day off. I'm busy in my yard. I made an awning and I'm still trying to finish it to my specs. I cut down all the ancient foilage and I'm making plans for gardens. Hopefully I will get a privacy fence up but for now I'll settle for privacy hedges of some sort. I'm still working on my sewing room. The water was leaking into Steve's room and ruining the floor so that project took priority. That side of the house is now painted. I need to move around the corner and tackle the front of the house. Bye for now.